Event Categories

Chicks in the Sticks 2023 Categories

Chicken Run Regular on the racing scene, solid level of fitness and skill (A grade). Long Course Loop
Free Range Confident riders, have raced before or have an intermediate level of fitness (B grade). Long Course Loop
Have a Crack Newly hatched MTB rider or looking for a supportive race experience (C grade). Short Course Loop
Queens of the Coop Optional category, offering a race experience for those aged 50 and above. Long Course Loop
Battery Hens (ebikes) A category for the e-bike riders. Long Course Loop
Electric A-Peel (ebikes) A category for newly hatched e-bike riders. (C grade). Short Course Loop
Clipped Wings

A category for all single-speeders. Short Course Loop

TEAMS OF TWO   DETAILS (relay style) 
Hard-Boiled Double Yolkers Team with racing experience and good fitness. Long Course Loop
Soft-Boiled Double Yolkers Team of newly hatched riders. Short Course Loop
Junior Double Yolkers Team aged between 11 and 15. Race the short course for just two hours.
Chicken Nuggets 20-min enduro on a modified course for riders aged between 5 and 10.
Chick-a-Dees 30-min enduro on a modified course for riders aged between 10 and 15.