
If you are a member of the RATS Cycling Club, which you obviously need to be to be reading this, you are no doubt serious enough about the sport of mountain biking to have heard of some of the mtb disciplines such as Cross Country(xc), DownHill(dh) and the newer...

Bayview Trail Development

Redland City Council has recently commenced a $1.3 m upgrade of facilities in the Bayview Conservation Area. Much of the work will be focused on upgrading the day use area at German Church Road. As this area has served as the race base for the Bayview Blast, the...

2017 National Cyclocross Series Rounds 2 and 3

The weekend of 15-16 July saw Rounds 2 and 3 of the National Cyclo-Cross Series (NCXS) hosted by the D’Aguilar Range Cycling Club at Baden Powell Park, Samford. DRCC partnered with MTBA in the delivery of the event. Men’s and women’s categories in the NCXS...

Get Out Get Active Grant

The RATS Cycling Club has been awarded funding of $38,240 in Round 3 of the Get Out Get Active program funded by the Queensland Government through the Department of National Parks, Sport and Racing. Round 3 of GOGA was open to non-profit organizations as well as local...

Hidden Vale 3Plus3 2017

On the weekend of 8-9 July 2017, RATS members again made a good showing at the 3Plus3 event at Spicers Hidden Vale. The midwinter 3Plus3 has become a firm part of the local riding calendar, along with Hidden Vale’s 24 hr and 4 hr events in April, the Dingo Duo in...

Trials World Cup Vöcklabruck

RATS member Janine Jungfels has gained another podium spot in the Trials World Cup, finishing third in Vöcklabruck, Austria, behind Nina Reichenbach of Germany and Manon Basseville of France. The Austrian round featured some 160 male and female competitors from 21...